What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
(for pertinent studies on PRP go to articles under resources)
Platelet Rich Plasma, PRPis blood plasma with highly concentrated platelets. Platelets are a specialized type of blood cell involved in injury healing. Platelets also contain large reservoirs of natural growth factors. While a normal concentration of platelets circulating in your blood is 200,000 per micro liter, the platelet count in Platelet Rich Plasma can exceed 2 million platelets per micro liter. To be considered PRP the platelet count must be 4x or greater above baseline. Because of the highly regenerative properties of platelets they can be injected to areas of damaged connective tissue to stimulate greater healing. One can think of this process as a grafting of sorts where systemic platelets are gathered and concentrated into the patient’s own plasma and injected back to these areas of the body needing assistance with healing. PRP is superior to Prolotherapy with the principle biologic component being dextrose as the efficacy of the procedure is less contingent upon the available blood supply to an area such as in thick ligaments or markedly fibrotic tissue.
Dr. Ehrlich PRP video link….
PRP testimonial with Nakoa DeCoite Maui big wave surfer
PRP testimonial with Suzy Ham for Cervical Spine
This concentrate also contains 3 proteins in the blood to act as cell adhesion molecules: fibrin, fibronectin, and vitronectin. Clinical data has shown that the concentration of growth factors may help optimized conditions for bone healing. How is Platelet Rich Plasma made? Platelet Rich Plasma is collected by drawing 20 – 60 cc of blood (500 cc is taken in blood bank donations), the blood is then put into the Harvest SmartPReP®2 Platelet Concentrate System and spun down separating the red blood cells, plasma and concentrating the platelets. Is Platelet Rich Plasma Safe? |
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